In Love with Lisbon: Surroundings
Throwback to the beginning of the month. A girls trip to Lisbon, Portugal.
I am a beach urchin and a countryside lover. Lisbon made me fall for city life. The tiled buildings. Street tinsel. The constant noise and activity was not like at home. The locals partied not binged, the kids played with their puppies in the street and sold bracelets at the weekends and the adorable elderly shop keepers next door didn't make you feel like a trouble maker. They smiled along as I pointed in their deli counter like a total tourist.
In love with Lisbon: These Gems
I am a beach urchin and a countryside lover. Lisbon made me fall for city life. The tiled buildings. Street tinsel. The constant noise and activity was not like at home. The locals partied not binged, the kids played with their puppies in the street and sold bracelets at the weekends and the adorable elderly shop keepers next door didn't make you feel like a trouble maker. They smiled along as I pointed in their deli counter like a total tourist.
In love with Lisbon: These Gems
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