Joelle Tuerlinckx WOR(L)D(K) IN PROGRESS?

Me and Jo (1/3 Little Boxes/ housemate/chum) trekked to the Arnolfini in a bid for some inspiration on a torrential Saturday afternoon. 

Joelle transforms everyday material happenings like frayed paper, news clippings and photographs into beautiful, intricate memories. Every little detail can make you feel like it's a big deal. Older work reworked into new, huge discs extracted from previous galleries displays and her first illustration of a little fish in a bowl made you feel quite intrusive. These are the components of 20 years of her life. Being a pair of lost 20 somethings ourselves it made us a bit wobbly to the theme, whispering at you but equally screaming from the orange walls THIS IS A LOT OF 'LIFE'. 

On our way out we were bombarded by a group of exceedingly cool looking youths (probably my age) to answer some questions on the exhibit. You could choose words from a list. We chose Happy. Sad. Isolated.

We admitted we enjoyed our day but needed a burger and to maybe play a board game to emotionally recover. 


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