Welcome Little Duck

Introducing a narrative I'm working on. Little Duck. This yellow fluffball is my hobby. That sounds very uninspiring, however the no pressure approach seems to work on this project. A yellow blob here, a yellow blob there and suddenly I have glimmer of a story book in the piles of paper. 

I was mostly spurred on by a visit to Hay Festival (as probably is everyone else who sets foot in that town). This particular talk 'How to get you children's book published' by agent Julia Churchill was just great. The whole room furiously scribbled notes. Me and my friend Jo shared some lined paper pulled from a book and attempted something viable with our squiffy drawing pens. Gold star for us. 

The £4 ticket and the one hour it took that evening was more valuable than most all of my non-drawry lectures at uni. 

Luckily the scrawl was easily read back and here is the duck himself to prove it. I'm not going to divulge the story....yet. Cause I'm not ready . I'm just pleased with how a narrative can bring out the good stuff. 

Quack Quack 


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