Wedding! Moving! A baby!
Wow. The slightly hilarious
account below is a blog entry that never came to light that I have just
discovered on a laptop clear out. I'm now married and pregnant! (yes, overlap)
Third blooming trimester! Reading the words of a very unknowingly poorly version
of myself makes me sad but triumphant to be where I am now. Have a read and
I'll catch you up after...
I am with child! And I feel
the need to write about it on here. Mostly because a handful of people in my
life find this entertaining (the blog not the fact I'm pregnant...) Also the need, at 11 ish weeks, to remember
how I feel and just generally vie for some sympathy.
I want to start with the
newly peppy pregnant Steph. I was on fire. I pulled in a delivery all by myself
at work and smashed through it. I 'konmaried' the whole house and submitted
this Star Wars illustration to Hereford Gravity Zine. Poor Jar Jar.
Pregnancy, I thought, it's
the tits!
Then 7 weeks came and with
it my affinity with the toilet bowl. I tried everything. The seabands. The
ginger. Biscuits. Lemon. Sleeping it off all day. Gentle exercise. Mint tea.
Dioralyte (omg vom).
I still don't have any real
'cure' apart from the odd sour apple or cherry maoam and vitamin water.
I got quite dizzy from not
really eating at all and dehydrated from not keeping down as much water as
usual. By no means is it Hyperemesis G, but it was enough to make my veins
shrivel up and not give blood easily. When I had my booking in appointment my
midwife (lovely lovely midwife) tried twice to get blood. Then I got sent to
the hospital so they could extract some. The midwife nurse tried twice and
stopped after declaring my hands and wrists were just 'too small'.
Then a junior doctor tried.
She noticed I had shit circulation and freezing hands and promptly filled up
some medical gloves with hot water to raise my veins. On her third try she got
blood out of the back of my hand, but it quickly stopped flowing. After the
fourth try she grabbed a consultant. The consult tried twice. Couldn't do it. I
asked her "what happens now?" She said "we keep going"
Well I cried. I was feeling
a tad sorry for myself and really like it was my own fault for not drinking
enough or dealing better.
Then the anesthetist came
in and tried the inside of my wrist, when that didn't work I cried more. He
ordered everyone out. He said 'Why are you crying? Have you been poked a lot
today?' HA just a few mate. I don't hate injections or needles at all. I have
tattoos and piercings, but my veins were apparently like soft noodles that
jumped around the point, and i could feel the syringe being wriggled
around under the surface of my skin every time. On the 10th try of the day we
had blood! Glorious Blood. Including on the floor.
The constant physical
aches, pains, twinges, crippling fatigue and vomit have taken there inevitable toll on my
enthusiasm for most things. Including the wedding. That's right your looking at
a preggo bride! Illustration has unfortunately waned. Nothing looks right. I am
truly hoping for the second trimester energy!
Exciting things have kept
my spirits up. Including two successful (out of about 10 unsuccessful) hearings
of the heartbeat on our home doppler!
I also have my Hen do
approaching fast. Those poor poor unsuspecting henlets have images of me
shotting tequila.... At least I can have a sympathy 'hangover'.
Guess who actually HAD
HYPEREMESIS, yep... me. Is it a British thing or a woman thing that we try to
power on and not bother anyone? I struggled on until the morning of our 12 week
scan and by the end of the day I was hooked up to IV's in hospital.
You can read my Hyperemesis
Gravidarum (I can't say it without thinking 'Wingardium Leviosa') post soon. It will include all the details of the
Hen do.
At current I am 30 weeks
pregnant. Very much still nauseous but enjoying all the wriggles, pokes and
hiccups that this baby can give. I have a 'tiny bump' and am eagerly awaiting
all the extra girth the next 10 ish weeks can create. No stretch marks but
covered in a dark peach fuzz. A wolf baby must be inside. Myself and Mr
Stephydraws have since moved and I'm absolutely hankering to settle somewhere
and get my desk and my paints out. With the sickness, the wedding and the
moving (and Glastonbury thrown in for good measure) its been MONTHS.
However I have left work now and the long days have brought me to this little
waffling space, dreaming of ways to create and be happy and not be too busy
until the little man is here.
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